Sacha Ligthert sacha
sacha pushed to trunk at dcsw_server_map/Lua_exports 2024-01-14 21:00:45 +01:00
693dfd1f15 Add Export.lua
sacha pushed to trunk at dcsw_server_map/Docs 2024-01-12 01:21:21 +01:00
91451d346d Update notes.
sacha pushed to trunk at dcsw_server_map/Docs 2024-01-12 00:54:50 +01:00
72f0f048f4 Its working as intended. =)
sacha pushed to trunk at dcsw_server_map/Docs 2024-01-12 00:52:10 +01:00
d01fe51613 Create initial notes for this project.
sacha created repository dcsw_server_map/Docs 2024-01-12 00:46:02 +01:00
sacha created repository dcsw_server_map/Web 2024-01-12 00:44:33 +01:00
sacha created repository dcsw_server_map/Listener 2024-01-12 00:40:08 +01:00
sacha renamed repository from exports_lua to dcsw_server_map/Lua_exports 2024-01-12 00:38:30 +01:00
sacha created repository dcsw_server_map/Lua_exports 2024-01-12 00:36:59 +01:00
sacha pushed to Go-Routine_Robots at golang/rowboz 2024-01-08 11:12:21 +01:00
06aa9b54c7 Attempt to start using Go Routines
76e745801a Bring players closer to the borders.
Compare 2 commits »
sacha created branch Go-Routine_Robots in golang/rowboz 2023-12-14 23:47:48 +01:00
sacha pushed to Go-Routine_Robots at golang/rowboz 2023-12-14 23:47:48 +01:00
sacha pushed to trunk at golang/rowboz 2023-12-14 23:42:17 +01:00
e1ce42614c Improve build script, ignore the builds/ folder.
sacha transferred repository sacha/reconquering-empyre to Empire-Clones/reconquering-empyre 2023-12-14 23:34:59 +01:00
sacha transferred repository sacha/emPYre to Empire-Clones/emPYre 2023-12-14 23:34:19 +01:00
sacha closed issue sacha/timepercentage#2 2023-12-14 23:16:38 +01:00
Custom epoch
sacha released Program flags and a custom epoch at sacha/timepercentage 2023-12-14 22:24:07 +01:00
sacha pushed tag 20231214 to sacha/timepercentage 2023-12-14 22:24:06 +01:00
sacha pushed to trunk at sacha/timepercentage 2023-12-14 22:08:02 +01:00
4faefb742b Update README for the next release.
sacha pushed to trunk at sacha/timepercentage 2023-12-14 21:57:07 +01:00
d29d658d72 Added a buildscript.
d7b94b978c Add support for flags. Disable or enable day or year renders. Provide a way to add a third and custom epoch.
Compare 2 commits »