91 lines
2.9 KiB
91 lines
2.9 KiB
package export
import (
// This function will test the Export function.
// Starts off by creating all the structs and intefaces needed.
// Set all the needed values.
// Execute the Export function.
// Check if the output is a string.
// Check if the output for "human" "flat" and "json" are valid.
func TestExport(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new Export struct.
export := Export{}
// Create a new outputter struct.
outp := outputter.Outputter{}
// Set output type to "short".
outp.OutputType = "short"
// Create a new Controller struct and set the outputter.
controller := controller.Controller{Outputter: &outp}
// Set the Controller in the Export struct.
export.Controller = &controller
// Populate the Solutions slice.
controller.Solutions = append(controller.Solutions, []string{"123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789"})
// Set output type to "human".
controller.Output = "human"
// Execute the Export function.
render := export.Export()
// Check if the output is a string and not empty.
if render == "" {
t.Error("Expected a non-empty string, string was empty")
// Set the expected variable.
expected := "\nSolution #1:\n╔═══════════╗\n║123│456│789╢\n║987│654│321╢\n║123│456│789╢\n╟───┼───┼───╢\n║987│654│321╢\n║123│456│789╢\n║987│654│321╢\n╟───┼───┼───╢\n║123│456│789╢\n║987│654│321╢\n║123│456│789╢\n╚═══════════╝\n"
// Check if the output is the same as the expected variable.
if render != expected {
t.Error("Expected a ", expected, ", got", render)
// Set output type to "flat".
controller.Output = "flat"
// Execute the Export function.
render = export.Export()
// Check if the output for "flat" is non-empty.
if render == "" {
t.Error("Expected a non-empty string, string was empty")
expected = "\nSolution #1:\n[123456789 987654321 123456789 987654321 123456789 987654321 123456789 987654321 123456789]\n"
if render != expected {
t.Error("Expected a ", expected, ", got", render)
// Set output type to "json".
controller.Output = "json"
// Execute the Export function.
render = export.Export()
// Check if the output for "json" is valid.
if render == "" {
t.Error("Expected a non-empty string, got empty string")
// Set the expected variable.
expected = "[{\"order\":0,\"row1\":\"123456789\",\"row2\":\"987654321\",\"row3\":\"123456789\",\"row4\":\"987654321\",\"row5\":\"123456789\",\"row6\":\"987654321\",\"row7\":\"123456789\",\"row8\":\"987654321\",\"row9\":\"123456789\"}]"
// Check if what is rendered is the same as the expected variable.
if render != expected {
t.Error("Expected a ", expected, ", got", render)