package solver

import (

func (solver *Solver) populate_blocks() {

	defer solver.timeTrack(time.Now(), "Populated blocks")
	log.Println("Populating blocks")

	solver.find_blocks(&solver.row1, &solver.row1s)
	solver.find_blocks(&solver.row2, &solver.row2s)
	solver.find_blocks(&solver.row3, &solver.row3s)
	solver.find_blocks(&solver.row4, &solver.row4s)
	solver.find_blocks(&solver.row5, &solver.row5s)
	solver.find_blocks(&solver.row6, &solver.row6s)
	solver.find_blocks(&solver.row7, &solver.row7s)
	solver.find_blocks(&solver.row8, &solver.row8s)
	solver.find_blocks(&solver.row9, &solver.row9s)

	// This calculates and stores the total number of solutions to validate.
	solver.iter = int64(len(solver.row1s)) * int64(len(solver.row2s)) * int64(len(solver.row3s)) * int64(len(solver.row4s)) * int64(len(solver.row5s)) * int64(len(solver.row6s)) * int64(len(solver.row7s)) * int64(len(solver.row8s)) * int64(len(solver.row9s))


func (solver *Solver) find_blocks(row *string, rows *[]int) {
	// Declare selection
	var selection []int
	var curr_blocks []int
	func_row := *row

	for letter := range func_row {

		if len(selection) == 0 {
			curr_blocks = solver.blocks
		} else {
			curr_blocks = selection
			selection = nil

		for _, block := range curr_blocks {

			curr_row := strconv.Itoa(block)

			if func_row[letter] == curr_row[letter] {
				found_row, _ := strconv.Atoi(curr_row)
				selection = append(selection, found_row)
			if func_row[letter] == '0' {
				found_row, _ := strconv.Atoi(curr_row)
				selection = append(selection, found_row)

		} // End for-loop

	} // End for-loop

	*rows = selection

func (solver *Solver) check_combinations() {
	for rows1_index := range solver.row1s {
		for rows2_index := range solver.row2s {
			for rows3_index := range solver.row3s {
				for rows4_index := range solver.row4s {
					for rows5_index := range solver.row5s {
						for rows6_index := range solver.row6s {
							for rows7_index := range solver.row7s {
								for rows8_index := range solver.row8s {
									for rows9_index := range solver.row9s {
										go solver.routine_validator(rows1_index, rows2_index, rows3_index, rows4_index, rows5_index, rows6_index, rows7_index, rows8_index, rows9_index)

func (solver *Solver) routine_validator(rows1_index int, rows2_index int, rows3_index int, rows4_index int, rows5_index int, rows6_index int, rows7_index int, rows8_index int, rows9_index int) {

	// solver.counter = solver.counter + 1

	if solver.validate_combination(solver.row1s[rows1_index], solver.row2s[rows2_index], solver.row3s[rows3_index], solver.row4s[rows4_index], solver.row5s[rows5_index], solver.row6s[rows6_index], solver.row7s[rows7_index], solver.row8s[rows8_index], solver.row9s[rows9_index]) { = append(, solver.render_combination(solver.row1s[rows1_index], solver.row2s[rows2_index], solver.row3s[rows3_index], solver.row4s[rows4_index], solver.row5s[rows5_index], solver.row6s[rows6_index], solver.row7s[rows7_index], solver.row8s[rows8_index], solver.row9s[rows9_index]))


func (solver *Solver) tracker() {

	defer solver.timeTrack(time.Now(), "Validated solutions")
	log.Println("Validating solutions")

	// Determine if the main-loop is done
	var done bool

	// Tracking progress in percentages
	var percentage float32
	// Tracking progress in validated solutions
	var track int

	// Tracking the rate, starting point
	var rate_start int64
	// Tracking the rate, difference between previous iterations
	var rate_diff int64

	// Tracking duration
	var timer_start = time.Now()
	// Prevent division-by-zero error when establishing `rate_diff`

	// Estimation how long it will take
	var est_fin string

	// for solver.iter != solver.counter { // Start for-loop
	for !done {

		// Determine how far we are.
		percentage = (float32(solver.counter.Load()) / (float32(solver.iter) / 100))

		// Reset the loop
		rate_diff = solver.counter.Load() - rate_start

		if track <= int(percentage) || rate_diff == 0 { // Start if-statement

			// Make sure something happened, making rate_start the only reliable variable
			if rate_diff == 0 {
				percentage = 100
				done = true

			timer_elapsed := time.Since(timer_start)
			solver.rates = append(solver.rates, rate_diff)
			rate_avg := solver.calc_avg()

			// Estimate when this is finished
			if rate_diff == 0 {
				est_fin = "N/A"
			} else {
				est_fin = solver.secondsToHuman((solver.iter - solver.counter.Load()) / rate_avg)

			// Printing the progress
			log.Println("Processing: " + strconv.Itoa(int(percentage)) + "% (" + strconv.FormatInt(solver.counter.Load(), 10) + "/" + strconv.Itoa(int(solver.iter)) + "); Rate: " + strconv.FormatInt(rate_diff, 10) + "/sec for " + timer_elapsed.String() + "; Time left (est.): " + est_fin)

			// After we are done printing, exit this for-loop
			if percentage == 100 {

			// Wrap up the loop or break
			if int(percentage) > track {
				track = int(percentage)
			} else {
				track = track + 1

			timer_start = time.Now()


		// Resert the rate counter
		rate_start = solver.counter.Load()

		// Sleep for a second
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	} // End for-loop


func (solver *Solver) validate_combination(row1 int, row2 int, row3 int, row4 int, row5 int, row6 int, row7 int, row8 int, row9 int) bool {
	var retval bool
	retval = true

	row1s := strconv.Itoa(row1)
	row2s := strconv.Itoa(row2)
	row3s := strconv.Itoa(row3)
	row4s := strconv.Itoa(row4)
	row5s := strconv.Itoa(row5)
	row6s := strconv.Itoa(row6)
	row7s := strconv.Itoa(row7)
	row8s := strconv.Itoa(row8)
	row9s := strconv.Itoa(row9)

	for index := range 9 {
		if row1s[index] == row2s[index] || row1s[index] == row3s[index] || row1s[index] == row4s[index] || row1s[index] == row5s[index] || row1s[index] == row6s[index] || row1s[index] == row7s[index] || row1s[index] == row8s[index] || row1s[index] == row9s[index] {
			retval = false

		if row2s[index] == row1s[index] || row2s[index] == row3s[index] || row2s[index] == row4s[index] || row2s[index] == row5s[index] || row2s[index] == row6s[index] || row2s[index] == row7s[index] || row2s[index] == row8s[index] || row2s[index] == row9s[index] {
			retval = false

		if row3s[index] == row1s[index] || row3s[index] == row2s[index] || row3s[index] == row4s[index] || row3s[index] == row5s[index] || row3s[index] == row6s[index] || row3s[index] == row7s[index] || row3s[index] == row8s[index] || row3s[index] == row9s[index] {
			retval = false

		if row4s[index] == row1s[index] || row4s[index] == row2s[index] || row4s[index] == row3s[index] || row4s[index] == row5s[index] || row4s[index] == row6s[index] || row4s[index] == row7s[index] || row4s[index] == row8s[index] || row4s[index] == row9s[index] {
			retval = false

		if row5s[index] == row1s[index] || row5s[index] == row2s[index] || row5s[index] == row3s[index] || row5s[index] == row4s[index] || row5s[index] == row6s[index] || row5s[index] == row7s[index] || row5s[index] == row8s[index] || row5s[index] == row9s[index] {
			retval = false

		if row6s[index] == row1s[index] || row6s[index] == row2s[index] || row6s[index] == row3s[index] || row6s[index] == row4s[index] || row6s[index] == row5s[index] || row6s[index] == row7s[index] || row6s[index] == row8s[index] || row6s[index] == row9s[index] {
			retval = false

		if row7s[index] == row1s[index] || row7s[index] == row2s[index] || row7s[index] == row3s[index] || row7s[index] == row4s[index] || row5s[index] == row6s[index] || row7s[index] == row6s[index] || row7s[index] == row8s[index] || row7s[index] == row9s[index] {
			retval = false

		if row8s[index] == row1s[index] || row8s[index] == row2s[index] || row8s[index] == row3s[index] || row8s[index] == row4s[index] || row8s[index] == row5s[index] || row8s[index] == row6s[index] || row8s[index] == row7s[index] || row8s[index] == row9s[index] {
			retval = false

		if row9s[index] == row1s[index] || row9s[index] == row2s[index] || row9s[index] == row3s[index] || row9s[index] == row4s[index] || row9s[index] == row5s[index] || row9s[index] == row6s[index] || row9s[index] == row7s[index] || row9s[index] == row8s[index] {
			retval = false


	return retval

func (solver *Solver) calc_avg() (avg int64) {
	var avg_sum int64

	for _, value := range solver.rates {
		avg_sum += value

	avg = avg_sum / int64(len(solver.rates))
