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14 changed files with 676 additions and 1 deletions

export/Export_test.go Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package export
import (
// This function will test the Export function.
// Starts off by creating all the structs and intefaces needed.
// Set all the needed values.
// Execute the Export function.
// Check if the output is a string.
// Check if the output for "human" "flat" and "json" are valid.
func TestExport(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new Export struct.
export := Export{}
// Create a new outputter struct.
outp := outputter.Outputter{}
// Set output type to "short".
outp.OutputType = "short"
// Create a new Controller struct and set the outputter.
controller := controller.Controller{Outputter: &outp}
// Set the Controller in the Export struct.
export.Controller = &controller
// Populate the Solutions slice.
controller.Solutions = append(controller.Solutions, []string{"123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789"})
// Set output type to "human".
controller.Output = "human"
// Execute the Export function.
render := export.Export()
// Check if the output is a string and not empty.
if render == "" {
t.Error("Expected a non-empty string, string was empty")
// Set the expected variable.
expected := "\nSolution #1:\n╔═══════════╗\n║123│456│789╢\n║987│654│321╢\n║123│456│789╢\n╟───┼───┼───╢\n║987│654│321╢\n║123│456│789╢\n║987│654│321╢\n╟───┼───┼───╢\n║123│456│789╢\n║987│654│321╢\n║123│456│789╢\n╚═══════════╝\n"
// Check if the output is the same as the expected variable.
if render != expected {
t.Error("Expected a ", expected, ", got", render)
// Set output type to "flat".
controller.Output = "flat"
// Execute the Export function.
render = export.Export()
// Check if the output for "flat" is non-empty.
if render == "" {
t.Error("Expected a non-empty string, string was empty")
expected = "\nSolution #1:\n[123456789 987654321 123456789 987654321 123456789 987654321 123456789 987654321 123456789]\n"
if render != expected {
t.Error("Expected a ", expected, ", got", render)
// Set output type to "json".
controller.Output = "json"
// Execute the Export function.
render = export.Export()
// Check if the output for "json" is valid.
if render == "" {
t.Error("Expected a non-empty string, got empty string")
// Set the expected variable.
expected = "[{\"order\":0,\"row1\":\"123456789\",\"row2\":\"987654321\",\"row3\":\"123456789\",\"row4\":\"987654321\",\"row5\":\"123456789\",\"row6\":\"987654321\",\"row7\":\"123456789\",\"row8\":\"987654321\",\"row9\":\"123456789\"}]"
// Check if what is rendered is the same as the expected variable.
if render != expected {
t.Error("Expected a ", expected, ", got", render)

export/renderFlat_test.go Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package export
import (
// This function will test the renderFlat function.
// Then it will execute the renderFlat function.
// Check if the output is a string.
func TestRenderFlat(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new Export struct.
export := Export{}
// Create a new Controller struct.
// Set output type to "human".
outp := outputter.Outputter{}
outp.OutputType = "short"
controller := controller.Controller{Outputter: &outp}
export.Controller = &controller
controller.Solutions = append(controller.Solutions, []string{"123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789"})
// Execute the renderFlat function.
render := export.renderFlat()
// Check if the output is a string and not empty.
if render == "" {
t.Error("Expected a non-empty string, got", render)
// Check if the output is a string.
if render != "\nSolution #1:\n[123456789 987654321 123456789 987654321 123456789 987654321 123456789 987654321 123456789]\n" {
t.Error("Expected a string, got", render)

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package export
import (
// This function will test the renderHumanReadable function.
// Starts off by creating a new Export struct.
// Creates a new Controller struct.
// Adds a solution to the Controller struct.
// Then it will execute the renderHumanReadable function.
// Check if the output is a string.
func TestRenderHumanReadable(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new Export struct.
export := Export{}
// Create a new Controller struct.
// Set output type to "human".
outp := outputter.Outputter{}
outp.OutputType = "short"
controller := controller.Controller{Outputter: &outp}
export.Controller = &controller
controller.Solutions = append(controller.Solutions, []string{"123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789"})
// Execute the renderHumanReadable function.
render := export.renderHumanReadable()
expected := "\nSolution #1:\n╔═══════════╗\n║123│456│789╢\n║987│654│321╢\n║123│456│789╢\n╟───┼───┼───╢\n║987│654│321╢\n║123│456│789╢\n║987│654│321╢\n╟───┼───┼───╢\n║123│456│789╢\n║987│654│321╢\n║123│456│789╢\n╚═══════════╝\n"
// Check if the output is a string and not empty.
if render == "" {
t.Error("Expected a non-empty string, got", render)
// Check if the output is a string.
if strings.TrimSpace(render) != strings.TrimSpace(expected) {
t.Error("Expected a string, got", render)

export/renderJSON_test.go Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package export
import (
// This function will test the renderJSON function.
// Starts off by creating a new Export struct.
// Creates a new Controller struct.
// Adds a solution to the Controller struct.
// Then it will execute the renderJSON function.
// Check if the output is a JSON string.
func TestRenderJSON(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new Export struct.
export := Export{}
outp := outputter.Outputter{}
outp.OutputType = "short"
export.Controller = &controller.Controller{Outputter: &outp}
// Create a new Controller struct.
controller := controller.Controller{}
controller.Solutions = append(controller.Solutions, []string{"123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789", "987654321", "123456789"})
// Add a solution to the Controller struct.
export.Controller = &controller
// Execute the renderJSON function.
render := export.renderJSON()
// Check if the output is a JSON string and not empty.
if render == "" {
t.Error("Expected a non-empty JSON string, got", render)
// Check if the output is a JSON string.\
if render != "[{\"order\":0,\"row1\":\"123456789\",\"row2\":\"987654321\",\"row3\":\"123456789\",\"row4\":\"987654321\",\"row5\":\"123456789\",\"row6\":\"987654321\",\"row7\":\"123456789\",\"row8\":\"987654321\",\"row9\":\"123456789\"}]" {
t.Error("Expected a JSON string, got", render)
// Check if the outpt is a valid JSON string.
// Check using the json.Unmarshal function.
// If the output is not a valid JSON string, the Unmarshal function will throw an error.
var result []map[string]interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(render), &result)
if err != nil {
t.Error("Expected a valid JSON string, got", render)

flags/validChar_test.go Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package flags
import "testing"
func TestValidChar(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
char rune
valid bool
name: "Valid char",
char: '1',
valid: true,
name: "Invalid char",
char: 'a',
valid: false,
name: "Valid char but not relevant",
char: '0',
valid: true,
flags := Flags{}
// Run tests
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := flags.validChar(tt.char); got != tt.valid {
t.Errorf("validChar() = %v, want %v", got, tt.valid)

solver/LoadBlocks_test.go Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package solver
import (
// This function will test the loadBlocks function.
// Starts off by creating a new Solver struct.
// Then it will execute the loadBlocks function.
// Check if there are 9! blocks loaded.
// Check if the first block is "123456789".
// check if the last block is "987654321".
func TestLoadBlocks(t *testing.T) {
// Do all the necesarry steps to initialize the solver.
solver := Solver{}
outp := outputter.Outputter{}
outp.OutputType = "short"
solver.Outp = &outp
controller := controller.Controller{}
solver.Controller = &controller
// Check if there are 9! blocks loaded.
if len(solver.Controller.Blocks) != 362880 {
t.Error("Expected 362880, got", len(solver.Controller.Blocks))
// Check if the first block is "123456789".
if solver.Controller.Blocks[0] != "123456789" {
t.Error("Expected 123456789, got", solver.Controller.Blocks[0])
// Check if the last block is "987654321".
if solver.Controller.Blocks[362879] != "987654321" {
t.Error("Expected 987654321, got", solver.Controller.Blocks[362879])

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package solver
import (
// This functions tests the PopulateBlocks function.
// It does this by creating a small set of rows and then
// calling the PopulateBlocks function. It then checks
// if the number of blocks is as expected.
func TestPopulateBlocks(t *testing.T) {
// Do all the necesarry steps to initialize the solver.
solver := Solver{}
outp := outputter.Outputter{}
outp.OutputType = "short"
solver.Outp = &outp
controller := controller.Controller{}
solver.Controller = &controller
// Create a set of rows
// Using the following values: [769154832 154832769 832769154 671945328 945328671 328671945 597416283 416283597 283597416]
solver.Controller.Row1 = "769154800"
solver.Controller.Row2 = "154832700"
solver.Controller.Row3 = "832769100"
solver.Controller.Row4 = "671945300"
solver.Controller.Row5 = "945328600"
solver.Controller.Row6 = "328671900"
solver.Controller.Row7 = "597416200"
solver.Controller.Row8 = "416283500"
solver.Controller.Row9 = "283597400"
// Call the PopulateBlocks function
// Check if the number of blocks is as expected
if solver.Iter != 512 {
t.Errorf("Expected 19683 blocks, got %d", solver.Iter)
// Check if solver.row1s is as expected
if slices.Compare(solver.row1s, []string{"769154823", "769154832"}) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected [769154832, 769154823], got %s", solver.row1s)
// check if solver.row2s is as expected
if slices.Compare(solver.row2s, []string{"154832769", "154832796"}) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected [154832769, 154832796], got %s", solver.row2s)
// check if solver.row3s is as expected
if slices.Compare(solver.row3s, []string{"832769145", "832769154"}) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected [832769154, 832769145], got %s", solver.row3s)
// check if solver.row4s is as expected
if slices.Compare(solver.row4s, []string{"671945328", "671945382"}) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected [671945328, 671945382], got %s", solver.row4s)
// check if solver.row5s is as expected
if slices.Compare(solver.row5s, []string{"945328617", "945328671"}) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected [945328617, 945328671], got %s", solver.row5s)
// check if solver.row6s is as expected
if slices.Compare(solver.row6s, []string{"328671945", "328671954"}) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected [328671945, 328671954], got %s", solver.row6s)
// check if solver.row7s is as expected
if slices.Compare(solver.row7s, []string{"597416238", "597416283"}) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected [597416238, 597416283], got %s", solver.row7s)
// check if solver.row8s is as expected
if slices.Compare(solver.row8s, []string{"416283579", "416283597"}) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected [416283579, 416283597], got %s", solver.row8s)
// check if solver.row9s is as expected
if slices.Compare(solver.row9s, []string{"283597416", "283597461"}) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected [283597416, 283597461], got %s", solver.row9s)

solver/calcAVG_test.go Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package solver
import (
// Test the calcAVG function.
func TestCalcAVG(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new Solver struct.
solver := Solver{}
// Populate the solver.rates[] slice with some values and check if the average is calculated correctly.
solver.rates = []uint64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
if solver.calcAVG() != 3 {
t.Error("Expected 3, got", solver.calcAVG())
// Populate the solver.Rate[] slice with some values and check if the average is calculated correctly.
solver.rates = []uint64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
if solver.calcAVG() != 3 {
t.Error("Expected 3, got", solver.calcAVG())
// Populate the solver.Rate[] slice with some values and check if the average is calculated correctly.
solver.rates = []uint64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
if solver.calcAVG() != 4 {
t.Error("Expected 4, got", solver.calcAVG())
// Populate the solver.Rate[] slice with some values and check if the average is calculated correctly.
solver.rates = []uint64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
if solver.calcAVG() != 4 {
t.Error("Expected 4, got", solver.calcAVG())

solver/findBlocks_test.go Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package solver
import (
// TestfindBlocks tests the findBlocks function.
// It defines the solver struct
// and calls the findBlocks function with a row and a slice of rows.
// It then checks if the slice of rows is as expected.
func TestFindBlocks(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new Solver struct.
solver := Solver{}
// Create outputter struct.
outp := outputter.Outputter{}
// Set the output type to human.
outp.OutputType = "human"
// Set the outputter of the solver to the outputter.
solver.Outp = &outp
// Create a controller struct.
controller := controller.Controller{}
// Set the controller of the solver to the controller.
solver.Controller = &controller
// Execute the loadBlocks function.
// Provide controller.row1 with a value.
// This is the row that will be used in the findBlocks function.
controller.Row1 = "769104802"
// Call the findBlocks function with the row and the slice of rows.
solver.findBlocks(&controller.Row1, &solver.row1s)
// A slice with the expected results.
expected := []string{"769154832", "769134852"}
// Check if the slice of rows1 is same as expected variable.
if slices.Equal(solver.row1s, expected) {
t.Errorf("Expected %v, got %v", expected, solver.row1s)

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package solver
import (
// Function to test the setWorkload function.
func TestSetWorkload(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new Solver struct.
solver := Solver{}
// Create outputter struct.
outp := outputter.Outputter{}
// Set the output type to human.
outp.OutputType = "short"
// Set the outputter of the solver to the outputter.
solver.Outp = &outp
// Create a controller struct.
controller := controller.Controller{}
// Set the controller of the solver to the controller.
solver.Controller = &controller
// Execute the loadBlocks function.
// Provide controller.row1 with a value.
// This is the row that will be used in the findBlocks function.
controller.Row1 = "769104802"
// Fill the other rows with values.
solver.row2s = []string{"769104802"}
solver.row3s = []string{"769104802"}
solver.row4s = []string{"769104802"}
solver.row5s = []string{"769104802"}
solver.row6s = []string{"769104802"}
solver.row7s = []string{"769104802"}
solver.row8s = []string{"769104802"}
solver.row9s = []string{"769104802"}
// Call the findBlocks function with the row and the slice of rows.
solver.findBlocks(&controller.Row1, &solver.row1s)
// Divide the work between two agents.
solver.Controller.Split = 2
// Set the part of the workload that the first agent will do.
solver.Controller.Part = 1
// Call the splitWorkload function.
agents := solver.splitWorkload()
// Run the setWorkload function.
// Check if the solver.row1s slice is as expected.
if len(solver.row1s) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected 1, got %v", len(solver.row1s))
// Check if the solver.Iter value is as expected.
if solver.Iter != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected 9, got %v", solver.Iter)

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package solver
import (
// Test the splitWorkload function.
func TestSplitWorkload(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new Solver struct.
solver := Solver{}
// Create outputter struct.
outp := outputter.Outputter{}
// Set the output type to human.
outp.OutputType = "human"
// Set the outputter of the solver to the outputter.
solver.Outp = &outp
// Create a controller struct.
controller := controller.Controller{}
// Set the controller of the solver to the controller.
solver.Controller = &controller
// Execute the loadBlocks function.
// Provide controller.row1 with a value.
// This is the row that will be used in the findBlocks function.
controller.Row1 = "769104802"
// Call the findBlocks function with the row and the slice of rows.
solver.findBlocks(&controller.Row1, &solver.row1s)
// Divide the work between two agents.
solver.Controller.Split = 2
// Call the splitWorkload function.
agents := solver.splitWorkload()
// Check if the agents slice is as expected.
if agents[0] != 1 || agents[1] != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected [1, 1], got %v", agents)

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package solver
import (
// TestValidateCombination tests the validateCombination function.
func TestValidateCombination(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new solver
solver := Solver{}
// Test the validateCombination function
if !solver.validateCombination("769154832", "154832769", "832769154", "671945328", "945328671", "328671945", "597416283", "416283597", "283597416") {
t.Error("validateCombination failed")

solver/validator_test.go Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package solver
import (
// This function will test the validator function.
// It will create all the structs, and set required values
// Load the blocks, populate the blocks, and then run the validator
func TestValidator(t *testing.T) {
// Do all the necesarry steps to initialize the solver.
solver := Solver{}
outp := outputter.Outputter{}
outp.OutputType = "short"
solver.Outp = &outp
controller := controller.Controller{}
solver.Controller = &controller
// Fill the slices of solver.rows with the following values:
// [769154832 154832769 832769154 671945328 945328671 328671945 597416283 416283597 283597416]
solver.row1s = []string{"769154832"}
solver.row2s = []string{"154832769"}
solver.row3s = []string{"832769154"}
solver.row4s = []string{"671945328"}
solver.row5s = []string{"945328671"}
solver.row6s = []string{"328671945"}
solver.row7s = []string{"597416283"}
solver.row8s = []string{"416283597"}
solver.row9s = []string{"283597416"}
// Set the rows to validate
rows1Index := 0
rows2Index := 0
rows3Index := 0
rows4Index := 0
rows5Index := 0
rows6Index := 0
rows7Index := 0
rows8Index := 0
rows9Index := 0
// Run the validator
solver.validator(rows1Index, rows2Index, rows3Index, rows4Index, rows5Index, rows6Index, rows7Index, rows8Index, rows9Index)
// Check the number of solutions
if len(controller.Solutions) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected 1 solution, got %d", len(controller.Solutions))