Have a snake trail #4

opened 2023-11-12 17:44:24 +01:00 by sacha · 1 comment

It is time to move on to the next challenge, and that is having a snake trail behind the snake.

This mechanic touches on a number of mechanics:

  • It is game over when a snake eats its own trail
  • Apple, randomized position selection shouldn't hit its tail
  • Scoring, The score determines the snake length
  • Snake, when the snake eats an apple the snake will grow from the tail until the total length is equal to the score
  • A new data-type should be figured out that works with the snake
It is time to move on to the next challenge, and that is having a snake trail behind the snake. This mechanic touches on a number of mechanics: - [x] It is game over when a snake eats its own trail - [x] Apple, randomized position selection shouldn't hit its tail - [x] Scoring, The score determines the snake length - [x] Snake, when the snake eats an apple the snake will grow from the tail until the total length is equal to the score - [x] A new data-type should be figured out that works with the snake
sacha referenced this issue from a commit 2023-11-23 22:36:47 +01:00

Its conform spec. Time to close and move on.

Its conform spec. Time to close and move on.
sacha closed this issue 2023-11-23 22:37:37 +01:00
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Reference: golang/snake#4
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