Reset player position at the start of each new level. #12

opened 2023-12-11 00:53:33 +01:00 by sacha · 0 comments

Whenever all robots are destroyed a new level is ushered in. The player position stays the same, but new robots get spawned. This puts the game slightly off-balance. To balance the odds the player needs to be re-positioned to the center of the screen before new robots are spawned in.

Whenever all robots are destroyed a new level is ushered in. The player position stays the same, but new robots get spawned. This puts the game slightly off-balance. To balance the odds the player needs to be re-positioned to the center of the screen before new robots are spawned in. - [x] Create `resetPlayer()` in [player.go]( - [x] Init new level [here](
sacha added the
🔧 Development
label 2023-12-11 00:56:45 +01:00
sacha added this to the Initial Release milestone 2023-12-11 00:56:50 +01:00
sacha closed this issue 2023-12-11 01:04:46 +01:00
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Reference: golang/rowboz#12
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