// // Quake game definition file (.fgd) // for Worldcraft 1.6 and above // // written by autolycus / autolycus@planetquake.com // email me with improvements and suggestions // // Modified by CZG : grawert@online.no : http://www.planetquake.com/greyvoid/ // further modified by various authors // // worldspawn // @SolidClass = worldspawn : "World entity" [ message(string) : "Text on entering the world" worldtype(choices) : "Ambience" : 0 = [ 0 : "Medieval" 1 : "Metal (runic)" 2 : "Base" ] sounds(integer) : "CD track to play" : 0 light(integer) : "Ambient light" _sunlight(integer) : "Sunlight" _sun_mangle(string) : "Sun mangle (Yaw pitch roll)" ] // // base marker definitions // @baseclass = Angle [ angle(integer) : "Direction" ] @baseclass = Appearflags [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 256 : "Not on Easy" : 0 512 : "Not on Normal" : 0 1024 : "Not on Hard" : 0 2048 : "Not in Deathmatch" : 0 ] ] @baseclass = Targetname [ targetname(target_source) : "Name" ] @baseclass = Target [ target(target_destination) : "Target" killtarget(target_destination) : "Killtarget" ] // // player starts, deathmatch, coop, teleport // @baseclass base(Appearflags) size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 32) color(0 255 0) model({ "path": ":progs/player.mdl" }) = PlayerClass [] @PointClass base(PlayerClass) = info_player_start : "Player 1 start" [] @PointClass base(PlayerClass) = info_player_coop : "Player cooperative start" [] @PointClass base(PlayerClass) = info_player_start2 : "Player episode return point" [] @PointClass base(PlayerClass) = info_player_deathmatch : "Deathmatch start" [] @PointClass base(PlayerClass) = testplayerstart : "Testing player start" [] @PointClass size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) base(PlayerClass, Targetname) = info_teleport_destination : "Teleporter destination" [] @PointClass color(200 150 150) = info_null : "info_null (spotlight target)" [ targetname(target_source) : "Name" ] @PointClass base(Appearflags, Target, Targetname) color(200 150 150) = info_notnull : "Wildcard entity" // I love you [ use(string) : "self.use" think(string) : "self.think" nextthink(integer) : "nextthink" noise(string) : "noise" touch(string) : "self.touch" ] @PointClass base(Appearflags) = info_intermission : "Intermission camera" [ mangle(string) : "Camera angle (Pitch Yaw Roll)" ] // // items // @baseclass base(Appearflags, Target, Targetname) = Item [ message(string) : "Message" target(string) : "Target" killtarget(string) : "Killtarget" delay(integer) : "Delay" ] @baseclass size(0 0 0, 32 32 56) color(80 0 200) base(Item) = Ammo [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Large box" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Ammo) model( {{ spawnflags & 1 -> ":maps/b_batt1.bsp", ":maps/b_batt0.bsp" }} ) = item_cells : "Thunderbolt ammo" [] @PointClass base(Ammo) model( {{ spawnflags & 1 -> ":maps/b_rock1.bsp", ":maps/b_rock0.bsp" }} ) = item_rockets : "Rockets" [] @PointClass base(Ammo) model( {{ spawnflags & 1 -> ":maps/b_shell1.bsp", ":maps/b_shell0.bsp" }} ) = item_shells : "Shells" [] @PointClass base(Ammo) model( {{ spawnflags & 1 -> ":maps/b_nail1.bsp", ":maps/b_nail0.bsp" }} ) = item_spikes : "Nailgun/Perforator ammo" [] @PointClass size(0 0 0, 32 32 56) base(Appearflags) model( {{ spawnflags & 2 -> ":maps/b_bh100.bsp", spawnflags & 1 -> ":maps/b_bh10.bsp", ":maps/b_bh25.bsp" }} ) = item_health : "Health pack" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Rotten" : 0 2 : "Megahealth" : 0 ] ] @PointClass size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 32) base(Item, Appearflags) model({ "path": ":progs/suit.mdl" }) = item_artifact_envirosuit : "Environmental protection suit" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 32) base(Item, Appearflags) model({ "path": ":progs/quaddama.mdl" }) = item_artifact_super_damage : "Quad damage" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 32) base(Item, Appearflags) model({ "path": ":progs/invulner.mdl" }) = item_artifact_invulnerability : "Pentagram of Protection" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 32) base(Item, Appearflags) model({ "path": ":progs/invisibl.mdl" }) = item_artifact_invisibility : "Ring of Shadows" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 56) base(Item, Appearflags) model({ "path": ":progs/armor.mdl", "skin": 2 }) = item_armorInv : "Red armor (200%)" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 56) base(Item, Appearflags) model({ "path": ":progs/armor.mdl", "skin": 1 }) = item_armor2 : "Yellow armor (150%)" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 56) base(Item, Appearflags) model({ "path": ":progs/armor.mdl" }) = item_armor1 : "Green armor (100%)" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 32) base(Item, Appearflags) model({ "path": ":progs/w_s_key.mdl" }) = item_key1 : "Silver key" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 32) base(Item, Appearflags) model({ "path": ":progs/w_g_key.mdl" }) = item_key2 : "Gold key" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 32) base(Item, Appearflags) model({ "path": ":progs/end1.mdl" }) = item_sigil : "Sigil" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Episode 1" : 1 2 : "Episode 2" : 0 4 : "Episode 3" : 0 8 : "Episode 4" : 0 ] ] // // weapons // @baseclass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 56) color(0 0 200) base(Item, Appearflags) = Weapon [] @PointClass base(Weapon) model({ "path": ":progs/g_shot.mdl" }) = weapon_supershotgun : "Double-barrelled shotgun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon) model({ "path": ":progs/g_nail.mdl" }) = weapon_nailgun : "Nailgun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon) model({ "path": ":progs/g_nail2.mdl" }) = weapon_supernailgun : "Super nailgun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon) model({ "path": ":progs/g_rock.mdl" }) = weapon_grenadelauncher : "Grenade launcher" [] @PointClass base(Weapon) model({ "path": ":progs/g_rock2.mdl" }) = weapon_rocketlauncher : "Rocket launcher" [] @PointClass base(Weapon) model({ "path": ":progs/g_light.mdl" }) = weapon_lightning : "Thunderbolt" [] // // monsters // @baseclass base(Angle, Appearflags, Target, Targetname) color(220 0 0) = Monster [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Ambush" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 40) model({ "path": ":progs/soldier.mdl" }) = monster_army : "Grunt" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 -24, 32 32 40) model({ "path": ":progs/dog.mdl" }) = monster_dog : "Nasty Doggie" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 -24, 32 32 64) model({ "path": ":progs/ogre.mdl" }) = monster_ogre : "Ogre" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 -24, 32 32 64) model({ "path": ":progs/ogre.mdl" }) = monster_ogre_marksman : "Ogre marksman" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 40) model({ "path": ":progs/knight.mdl" }) = monster_knight : "Knight" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 40) model({ "path": ":progs/hknight.mdl" }) = monster_hell_knight : "Hell knight" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 40) model({ "path": ":progs/wizard.mdl" }) = monster_wizard : "Scrag" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 -24, 32 32 64) model({ "path": ":progs/demon.mdl" }) = monster_demon1 : "Fiend" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 -24, 32 32 64) model({ "path": ":progs/shambler.mdl" }) = monster_shambler : "Shambler" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-128 -128 -24, 128 128 256) model({ "path": ":progs/boss.mdl" }) = monster_boss : "Chthon" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 40) model({ "path": ":progs/enforcer.mdl" }) = monster_enforcer : "Enforcer" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 -24, 32 32 64) model({ "path": ":progs/shalrath.mdl" }) = monster_shalrath : "Vore" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 24) model({ "path": ":progs/tarbaby.mdl" }) = monster_tarbaby : "Spawn" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 24) model({ "path": ":progs/fish.mdl" }) = monster_fish : "Rotfish" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 32) model({ "path": ":progs/oldone.mdl" }) = monster_oldone : "Shub-Niggurath" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 -24, 16 16 32) model({ "path": ":progs/zombie.mdl" }) = monster_zombie : "Zombie" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Crucified" : 0 2 : "Ambush" : 0 ] ] // // lights // @baseclass color(255 255 40) = Light [ light(integer) : "Brightness" : 300 wait(integer) : "Fade distance multiplier" : 1 delay(choices) : "Attenuation" = [ 0 : "Linear falloff (Default)" 1 : "Inverse distance falloff" 2 : "Inverse distance squared" 3 : "No falloff" 4 : "Local minlight" 5 : "Inverse distance squared B" ] mangle(string) : "Spotlight angle" style(Choices) : "Appearance" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal" 10: "Fluorescent flicker" 2 : "Slow, strong pulse" 11: "Slow pulse, noblack" 5 : "Gentle pulse" 1 : "Flicker A" 6 : "Flicker B" 3 : "Candle A" 7 : "Candle B" 8 : "Candle C" 4 : "Fast strobe" 9 : "Slow strobe" ] ] @PointClass size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) base(Light, Target, Targetname) = light : "Invisible light source" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start off" : 0 ] ] @PointClass size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) base(Light, Target, Targetname) = light_fluoro : "Fluorescent light" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start off" : 0 ] ] @PointClass size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) base(Light, Target, Targetname) = light_fluorospark : "Sparking fluorescent light" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start off" : 0 ] ] @PointClass size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) base(Appearflags, Light, Target, Targetname) model({ "path": "progs/s_light.spr" }) = light_globe : "Globe light" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start off" : 0 ] ] @PointClass size(-8 -8 -12, 8 8 20) base(Appearflags, Light, Target, Targetname) model({ "path": ":progs/flame2.mdl" }) = light_flame_large_yellow : "Large yellow flame" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start off" : 0 ] ] @PointClass size(-4 -4 -12, 4 4 20) base(Appearflags, Light, Target, Targetname) model({ "path": ":progs/flame2.mdl" }) = light_flame_small_yellow : "Small yellow flame" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start off" : 0 ] ] @PointClass size(-4 -4 -12, 4 4 20) base(Appearflags, Light, Target, Targetname) model({ "path": ":progs/flame2.mdl" }) = light_flame_small_white : "Small white flame" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start off" : 0 ] ] @PointClass size(-4 -4 -12, 4 4 20) base(Appearflags, Light, Target, Targetname) model({ "path": ":progs/flame.mdl" }) = light_torch_small_walltorch : "Small walltorch" [] // // misc // @SolidClass base(Appearflags) = func_illusionary : "Static nonsolid model" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) color(0 150 220) model({ "path": ":progs/s_bubble.spr" }) = air_bubbles : "Air bubbles" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags, Targetname) = event_lightning : "Chthon's lightning" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) model({ "path": ":progs/lavaball.mdl" }) = misc_fireball : "Small fireball" [ speed(integer) : "Speed" : 40 ] @PointClass base(Appearflags) size(0 0 0, 32 32 64) model({ "path": ":maps/b_explob.bsp" }) = misc_explobox : "Large exploding container" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) size(0 0 0, 32 32 32) model({ "path": ":maps/b_exbox2.bsp" }) = misc_explobox2 : "Small exploding container" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) model({ "path": ":progs/teleport.mdl" }) = misc_teleporttrain : "Flying teleporter destination" [ target(string) : "First stop target" targetname(target_source) : "Name" ] @PointClass base(Appearflags, Targetname) color(220 150 150) = trap_spikeshooter : "Triggered shooter" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Spike" : 0 2 : "Laser" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Appearflags) color(220 150 150) = trap_shooter : "Continuous shooter" [ nextthink(integer) : "Delay before first spike" wait(integer) : "Delay between spikes" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Spike" : 0 2 : "Laser" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass = func_group : "Group of brushes for in-editor use" [] @SolidClass = func_detail : "Group of brushes for certain compilers" [] @SolidClass = func_detail_illusionary : "func_detail variant with no collision (players / monsters / gunfire) and doesn't split world faces." [] @SolidClass = func_detail_wall : "func_detail variant that doesn't split world faces." [] // // ambient sounds // @PointClass base(Appearflags) color(150 0 150) = ambient_drip : "Dripping sound" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) color(150 0 150) = ambient_drone : "Engine/machinery sound" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) color(150 0 150) = ambient_comp_hum : "Computer background sounds" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) color(150 0 150) = ambient_flouro_buzz : "Fluorescent buzzing sound" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) color(150 0 150) = ambient_light_buzz : "Buzzing sound from light" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) color(150 0 150) = ambient_suck_wind : "Wind sound" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) color(150 0 150) = ambient_swamp1 : "Frogs croaking" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) color(150 0 150) = ambient_swamp2 : "Frogs croaking B" [] @PointClass base(Appearflags) color(150 0 150) = ambient_thunder : "Thunder sound" [] // // moving things // @SolidClass base(Angle, Appearflags, Targetname, Target) = func_door : "Basic door" [ speed(integer) : "Speed" : 100 sounds(choices) : "Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "Silent" 1: "Stone" 2: "Machine" 3: "Stone Chain" 4: "Screechy Metal" ] wait(string) : "Wait before close" : "3" lip(integer) : "Lip" : 8 dmg(integer) : "Damage inflicted when blocked" : 2 message(string) : "Message if touched" health(integer) : "Health (shootable)" : 0 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Starts Open" : 0 4 : "Don't link" : 0 8 : "Gold Key required" : 0 16: "Silver Key required" : 0 32: "Toggle" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Appearflags, Targetname, Target) = func_door_secret : "Secret door" [ angle(integer) : "Direction of second move" t_width(integer) : "First move length" t_length(integer) : "Second move length" dmg(integer) : "Damage when blocked" : 2 wait(string) : "Wait before close" : "2" sounds(choices) : "Sounds" : 3 = [ 1: "Medieval" 2: "Metal" 3: "Base" ] message(string) : "Message" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Open once" : 0 2 : "Move left first" : 0 4 : "Move down first" : 0 8 : "Not shootable" : 0 16 : "Always shootable" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Appearflags, Targetname) = func_wall : "Wall, starts animation when triggered (if supporting texture)" [] @SolidClass base(Angle, Appearflags, Targetname) = func_button : "Button" [ speed(integer) : "Speed" : 40 lip(integer) : "Lip" : 4 target(target_source) : "Target" health(integer) : "Health (shootable)" sounds(choices) : "Sounds" = [ 0 : "Steam metal" 1 : "Wooden clunk" 2 : "Metallic clink" 3 : "In-out" ] wait(string) : "Wait before reset" : "1" delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" message(string) : "Message" ] @SolidClass base(Appearflags, Targetname) = func_train : "Moving platform" [ sounds(choices) : "Sound" : 1 = [ 0: "Silent" 1: "Ratchet Metal" ] speed(integer) : "Speed (units per second)" : 64 target(target_source) : "Target to start at" dmg(integer) : "Damage on block" : 2 ] @PointClass base(Appearflags, Targetname) size(16 16 16) color(0 255 255) = path_corner : "Waypoint for platforms and monsters" [ target(target_source) : "Next target" wait(integer) : "Wait" : 0 ] @SolidClass base(Appearflags, Targetname) = func_plat : "Elevator" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Low trigger volume" : 0 ] speed(integer) : "Speed" : 150 height(integer) : "Travel altitude (can be negative)" : 0 sounds(choices) : "Sound" : 1 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Base fast" 2: "Chain Slow" ] ] @SolidClass base(Appearflags) = func_episodegate : "Episode Gate" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Episode 1" : 1 2 : "Episode 2" : 0 4 : "Episode 3" : 0 8 : "Episode 4" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Appearflags) = func_bossgate : "Boss gate" [] // // triggers // @baseclass base(Appearflags, Target, Targetname) = Trigger [ sounds(choices) : "Sound style" : 0 = [ 0 : "None" 1 : "Secret sound" 2 : "Beep beep" 3 : "Large switch" ] delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" : "0" message(string) : "Message" ] @SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_changelevel : "Trigger: Change level" [ map(string) : "Next map" target(target_destination) : "Target" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "No intermission" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_once : "Trigger: Activate once" [ health(integer) : "Health (shootable)" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Not touchable" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_multiple : "Trigger: Activate multiple" [ wait(string) : "Wait before reset" : "0.2" health(integer) : "Health (shootable)" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Not touchable" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_onlyregistered : "Trigger: Registered only" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Not touchable" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_secret : "Trigger: Secret" [ sounds(choices) : "Sound" : 1 = [ 1 : "Secret sound" 2 : "Beep beep" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Not touchable" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Appearflags, Target, Targetname) = trigger_teleport : "Trigger: Teleporter" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Player only" : 0 2 : "Silent" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Appearflags) = trigger_setskill : "Trigger: Set skill" [ message(choices) : "Skill to change to" : 1 = [ 0 : "Easy" 1 : "Medium" 2 : "Hard" 3 : "Nightmare!" ] ] @PointClass base(Trigger) = trigger_relay : "Trigger: Relay" [ ] @SolidClass base(Angle, Appearflags, Targetname) = trigger_monsterjump : "Trigger: Monster jump" [ speed(integer) : "Jump Speed" : 200 height(integer) : "Jump Height" : 200 ] @PointClass base(Appearflags, Target, Targetname) = trigger_counter : "Trigger: Counter" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "No Message" : 0 ] count(integer) : "Count before trigger" : 2 delay (integer) : "Delay" message(string) : "Message" ] @SolidClass base(Angle, Appearflags, Targetname) = trigger_push : "Trigger: Push" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Push once" : 0 ] speed(integer) : "Speed" : 1000 ] @SolidClass base(Appearflags, Targetname) = trigger_hurt : "Trigger: Hurt" [ dmg(integer) : "Damage per second" : 5 ] @PointClass size(16 16 16) = misc_noisemaker : "Debug entity: continuously plays enforcer sounds" [] @PointClass size(16 16 16) = viewthing : "Debug entity: fake player model" []