The world is a rectangle 60 by 100 squares on a side. The world consists of sea (.), land (+), uncontrolled cities (*), computer-controlled cities (X), and cities that you control (O). Starting options: Enemy Start: - Entrenched enemy (default) - 1 vs 1 (second stage) Fog of War: 0) 100% intel 1) knows map 2) Fog of War + sees units 3) Fog of War + blind without units MapSize: x,y Message Delay # WaterPercentage # Smoothness Storing data pickle-file: Units: Unit: Type Side Location Action Order Cities: City: Location Side Order Stage Terrain: x y type numpad keys: 49 t/m 57 Keys: c: cities p: pause b: build a: army f: fighter p: patrol boat d: destoryer s: submarine t: troop transport c: aircraft carrier b: battleship z: Satellite u: units direction: move/attack/load u+l: unload (for transport/carrier) s: entry/sleep w: waypoint (tells unit to move to x position) n: give AI x turns g: give AI 1 turn q: save and quit l: log sealevel: -0.37 = 0.38 ------------------------------- Layers: Fog of War - Black Fog of War - Unit-Intel Units - Atmosphere Cities Units - Sky Units - Group Terrain ------------------------------- # from PIL import Image, ImageDraw # def saveWorldToImage(self): # img ='RGB', (self.width,self.height)) # for y in range(1,self.height+1): # for x in range(1,self.width+1): # if[x][y] == "c": # img.putpixel( (x-1,y-1), (255,0,0) ) # elif[x][y] == "l": # img.putpixel( (x-1,y-1), (0,255,0) ) # else: # img.putpixel( (x-1,y-1), (0,0,255) ) # d = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # d.text( (1,1), "SL: "+str(self.sealevel)) # return img